Australian Government - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Advancing the interests of Australia and Australians internationally

Go Green Co-Innovation Program (GGCIP) Round 2

This is a preview of the GGCIP Application Form - Round 2 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Go Green Co-Innovation Program

* indicates a required field.

Getting started

Please complete the eligibility check. If you do not meet the requirements you will not be able to complete the application form.

Once you have determined your eligibility, please complete all aspects of the form and attach all required documents. Please review the available FAQ document and contact DFAT at for any further queries.

This online form captures the information required by The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) to assess and manage your application for grant funding available under the GGCIP.

Important: Your Singapore business partner must complete the EnterpriseSG preliminary interest form as early as possible. If your Singapore partner is not invited to submit a full application this will affect your eligibility to apply. If EnterpriseSG find your partner eligible, they will be invited to submit a full application to EnterpriseSG’s Business Grant Portal. Singapore and Australia have separate application processes and both lead partners must apply.  

Please note: Assessment criterion 2 requires you to complete and refer to your project plan, which must be submitted with this application. A template has been provided to guide applicants. Click here to download the Project Plan template.docx

Eligibility Check: Eligible Applicants

Is your organisation a Small or Medium Sized Enterprise (SME) as defined by the Australia Bureau of Statistics? * Required
Does your organisation have an Australian Business Number (ABN) * Required
Is your organisation registered or incorporated in Australia? * Required
Does your organisation have ≥ (more than or equal to) 30% local equity held directly or indirectly by an Australian citizen or permanent resident? * Required
Does your organisation hold all insurances required by law, including a minimum of $10 million public liability insurance and workers compensation * Required
Has your organisation partnered with a Singapore registered business, which is a separate and independent, non-linked entity to all Australian project partners? * Required
Is your organisation able to see the project through financially to completion? * Required
Refer to Section 3.2 of the Grant Guidelines on Matched Contributions

Ineligible: Your organisation does not meet the eligibility criteria (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to questions:

  • "Is your organisation a Small or Medium Sized Enterprise (SME) as defined by the Australia Bureau of Statistics?" on page 1
  • "Does your organisation have an Australian Business Number (ABN)" on page 1
  • "Is your organisation registered or incorporated in Australia?" on page 1
  • "Does your organisation have ≥ (more than or equal to) 30% local equity held directly or indirectly by an Australian citizen or permanent resident?" on page 1
  • "Does your organisation hold all insurances required by law, including a minimum of $10 million public liability insurance and workers compensation" on page 1
  • "Has your organisation partnered with a Singapore registered business, which is a separate and independent, non-linked entity to all Australian project partners?" on page 1
  • "Is your organisation able to see the project through financially to completion?" on page 1

Thanks for your interest in applying for the GGCIP. Unfortunately, based on the responses you provided above about your organisation, you are not considered eligible to apply to the Go Green Co-Innovation Program (GGCIP).

You cannot complete an application if you don't meet these eligibility requirements. For any questions please refer to the Grant Guidelines or contact

Eligibility Check: Eligible Projects (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to questions:

  • "Is your organisation a Small or Medium Sized Enterprise (SME) as defined by the Australia Bureau of Statistics?" on page 1
  • "Does your organisation have an Australian Business Number (ABN)" on page 1
  • "Is your organisation registered or incorporated in Australia?" on page 1
  • "Does your organisation have ≥ (more than or equal to) 30% local equity held directly or indirectly by an Australian citizen or permanent resident?" on page 1
  • "Does your organisation hold all insurances required by law, including a minimum of $10 million public liability insurance and workers compensation" on page 1
  • "Has your organisation partnered with a Singapore registered business, which is a separate and independent, non-linked entity to all Australian project partners?" on page 1
  • "Is your organisation able to see the project through financially to completion?" on page 1
Please select which green priority sector(s) your project aligns with * Required
Response required.Response required.
At least 1 choice must be selected. 
Your organisation has a Singapore business partner who has submitted, or is in the process or submitting, a corresponding application to EnterpriseSG in accordance with any guidelines or instructions issued by EnterpriseSG on their website. * Required
Can your organisation provide all necessary documentation requested as part of this application? * Required

Balanced contribution to total project costs (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to questions:

  • "Is your organisation a Small or Medium Sized Enterprise (SME) as defined by the Australia Bureau of Statistics?" on page 1
  • "Does your organisation have an Australian Business Number (ABN)" on page 1
  • "Is your organisation registered or incorporated in Australia?" on page 1
  • "Does your organisation have ≥ (more than or equal to) 30% local equity held directly or indirectly by an Australian citizen or permanent resident?" on page 1
  • "Does your organisation hold all insurances required by law, including a minimum of $10 million public liability insurance and workers compensation" on page 1
  • "Has your organisation partnered with a Singapore registered business, which is a separate and independent, non-linked entity to all Australian project partners?" on page 1
  • "Is your organisation able to see the project through financially to completion?" on page 1

The total project costs among the Australian and Singapore partners must have a balanced contribution. No more than 70% of the total Singapore-Australia joint project costs can be claimed by any single partner or by all partners from a single participating country. 

Complete all fields below to describe the total joint project funding required

Australian Sourced Funding (AUD)

Must be a whole dollar amount (no cents) and between 150000 and 500000. 
Must be a whole dollar amount (no cents). 
Must be a whole dollar amount (no cents). Limited to 30% of total contribution.
This number/amount is calculated. Must be equal to or greater than the grant funding requested.
This number/amount is calculated. Total contribution + grant funding requested.
This number/amount is calculated. Must be no more than 50%.
This number/amount is calculated. Must be between 30 to 70%.

Singapore Sourced Funding (convert all SGD to AUD)

Must be a whole dollar amount (no cents). 
Must be a whole dollar amount (no cents). Include any contributions from consortia partners on the Singapore side.
This number/amount is calculated. 

Ineligible: Your project does not meet the eligibility criteria. (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to questions:

  • "Grant funding requested from DFAT" on page 1
  • "Grant funding requested from DFAT" on page 1

Thanks for your interest in applying for the GGCIP. Unfortunately, based on the responses you provided above about your project and funding, you are not considered eligible to apply to the Go Green Co-Innovation Program (GGCIP).

You cannot complete an application if you don't meet these eligibility requirements. For any questions please refer to the Grant Guidelines or contact